A Realm Reborn Placeholder Data
Heavensward Placeholder Data
Stormblood Placeholder Data
Shadowbringers Placeholder Data
Endwalker Placeholder Data
This data pack will be preloaded at application start, instead of having to enter the field at the top every time
Used to parse character names from your home server under certain conditions

Enabling this option will change the text anchor of flags close to the right margin

Enabling this option will hide the name of your home world on some screens

Enabling this option will cache data you enter (such as map flags) to the session storage in your browser. This preserves any data you enter against accidental refreshes. Your browser will automatically clear this data at the end of your web session. If this is disabled, any page refreshes will clear the aforementioned data.

Enabling this option will show a local time and Eorza Time clock in the top left corner

Some maps do not have any treasure hunt locations. These are available in the data pack, but hidden by default. This setting overrides that attribute to show all maps
Flag parsing expression
The application uses a regular expression (RegEx) to parse data copied from the game. This option controls how the parser will behave by selecting a particular expression that is "right" for the job.
  • Default - "Unsets" the value to use default settings
  • Strict - Forces a stricter regular expression that requires the whole line of text be present (default)
  • Loose - Simpler regular expression allowing for some variation at the beginning and end of the line. May detect false data under certain circumstances.
  • Custom - You choose your parse. Only thing we requires is that the first matching group is the name, the second matching group is the map area name, the third matching group is the x-coordinate, and the fourth matching group is the y-coordinate.

Enabling this option will force the program to download all map images on load - otherwise it will only load maps as they are viewed, saving bandwidth and (sometimes) improving the initial loading speed. Note that under some circumstances you may get overall faster performance if this setting is enabled, as with fast + unlimited internet the entire data pack can be temporarily cached locally to your computer.

Selecting a file below will load its contents into the text box above for your review prior to committing the changes. Clicking Import will merge the settings and user data shown in the above text box with the current program state. If you wish to store these settings, you will still need to click Persist